Expert certification specialists and highly experienced in managing successful aircraft certification projects.
We will take all steps necessary to ensure that your design is translated into an effective engineering solution, and crucially one that meets the relevant airworthiness requirements under the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand (NZCAA), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), European Aviation Safety Administration (EASA), Civil Aviation Safety Authority Australia (CASA) and other state airworthiness authorities. To see a list of the Supplemental Type Certificates we have assisted companies with please read our STC List. We also complete both Minor and Major Modifications that can be approved by our Design Delegation Holders.
We manage the certification process at each stage, from the initial compliance planning, liaison and progress presentations, to the delivery of our high quality professional engineering package.
We have a strong relationship with the NZCAA, and have developed international networks in Europe and Australia. Flight Structures has three delegates (equivalent to FAA DER or EASA CVE) under the NZCAA with approval for all aircraft types. Here is a non exhaustive list of the sorts of projects our team have completed over recent years:
Obtaining Supplemental Type Certificates,
Type Certificate Amendments,
Fixed Wing Powerplant Upgrade Projects,
Rotorcraft Powerplant Upgrade Projects,
Certification of Role Equipment,
Certification of Equipment Installations,
Flight Testing Programmes,
Aircraft Fatigue Life Extensions.
Our certification team works alongside our design and manufacturing teams enabling all steps of the process to be completed in house. We also partner with other organisations internationally and in NZ depending on project requirements. For more details you can refer to our news items for details of recent projects.
“Aviation Excellence. Plane and Simple.”